Product Review : castor oil
PRODUCT REVIEW: SOULFLOWER COLDPRESSED CASTOR OIL I know how oiling really not our favorite part of hair care routine and sometimes we don’t even have enough time for a proper head massage!! Going to spa and spending thousands of rupees is not everyone would go for!! Then in such scenarios, in today’s world where pollution and the climate change, not to forget junk food, less exercise and stress, how would you get those amazingly long and thick hair (yes, the one in Parachute ads ;) ) The answer is – Soul-flower's Cold-pressed Castor Oil!! Yes, castor oil works wonder, not only on your hair on the head, but even the eyebrows and eyelashes too. Along with the hair, it works wonders on nails, skin, lips too (yes, you read correctly!!) It is often used to soothe skin disorders such as eczema and to thicken hair and prevent hair loss. It is naturally rich in antioxidants and conditions and heals skin and is also great for the hair. From hydration t...