POST 3 of MY NAIL ART TUTORIALS (step-by-step)

This is the part 3 of my nail art tutorial post... The 4 new designs in this post. they are :

Nail Art tutorial – Post 3


This mani too, is very simple to do and it takes only a few minutes.
This is again a cute mani I did and when I was done, that smiley on my ring finger made me smile J.

All you need for this one is – yellow polish, red polish, peach polish, black and white nail art pens, dotting tools/bobby pins/paint brush and a toothpick.

The steps:
1.    Apply base coat on all the nails & let it dry.
2.   Apply red polish one all fingers except the ring finger. 2-3 coats.
3.   Apply yellow polish on the ring finger. This again I did 2-3 coats.
4.   Let all the nails dry properly.
5.   Now with the help of black nail art pen, we’ll make 2 eyes of this smiley. Of you don’t have a nail art pen you can use the base of paint brush or bobby pin by dipping it in black polish.
6.   Then draw a small curve with black polish – its smile. Then with the pen itself draw a small tongue beneath the curve drawn.
7.   Let this dry.
8.   Now we will do the remaining nails – take a bobby pin or dotting tool, dip it in peach polish and draw polka dots on the red nails.
9.   Now with the red polish fill the tongue which we have drawn one the ring finger.
10.        Once all nails are dried properly, apply the top coat and its done ^_^


In the previous post, in the valentine day mani, I had done this rose on my thumb. But in this mani, I have drawn it on all the nails.
So for this mani all we need is – dark pink polis, pink polish, red nail art pen, green polish, white polish.

1.    Apply base coat and let it dry.
2.   Apply white polish on all the nails. Apply 2-3 coats. Let it dry.
3.   With a bobby pin/base of the paint brush dipped in darker pink polis, draw circle on all the nails. Don’t make it look too messy, as we have to draw leaves too.
4.   Once the darker pink polish is semi-dry, with a toothpick dipped in lighter pink polish, draw outline to the darker polish and then one dot in the center. It is not necessary for it to b perfect & all the roses to b same!!
5.   Once all roses on all nails have been done, dip the bobby pin in green polish and draw leaves on either side of the roses.
6.   Let this all dry properly.
7.   Take a red nail art pen, and outline the rose once again to make the rose look puffy!!
8.   Top coat is optional!!


This one is inspired from a video on “YouTube”, I liked it so much that I made this immediately. It’s cute and super easy!!  But you have to make it patiently.

So all you need here is – Black polish, white polish and a nail stripper!! If you don’t gave a nail stripper, you can go for the nail art pen (it’s pic I had showed in my ‘nail art tutorial – post 1)

The super simple steps:
1.    Paint your ring finger & pinky finer with the black polish. 3 to 4 coats. It has to b dark!!
2.   Apply white polish on the thumb, index finger and the middle finger. 3 to 4 coats.
3.   Once all the nails are 100 % dry (yes!! They have to b 100% dry to avoid smudging of the polish!!) , take the black polish and draw a semi circle in diagonal on the index finger. 2-3 coats of black polish.
4.   Once done, take a black nail stripper brush and draw whiskers in 1 direction (see pic) to give it a fur-like feeling.
5.   Take a white polish and draw a semi circle in diagonal on the pinky finger. 2-3 coats of white polish.
6.   Once done, take a white nail stripper brush and draw whiskers in 1 direction (see pic) to give it a fur-like feeling. Same like we did on the index finger.
7.   Now to draw the “panda-face” on the middle finger and the thumb
a.  Dip the bobby pin or the base of paint brush in black polish and make 2 dots to make the eyes of panda.
b.   Then in similar ways make two small dots near the eyes as its ear.
c.   Then one more below eyes, as its nose.
d.  Then with black stripper brush, again given it a fur-like look by drawing small whiskers around – eyes, ears and the nose.
e.   Then the last is its mouth – take a toothpick, dip it in black polish and draw two small curves from its nose to make its mouth!!
8.   Let it dry for few hours, to apply the top coat, else the colors will spread and then again you have to remove that nail design and re-do it!!


Leopard print mani has always been my favorite. Its chic, and easiest to do!! It hardly takes any time and it doesn't demand to b perfect either.

In this mani, I have used diamond studs to give it a different look.

Sp for this mani you need is – blue polish, white polish, black nail art, mint green polish and diamond studs (I have used forehead bindi :P )

1.    Apply blue polish on thumb, index finger and pinky fingers.
2.   Apply white polish on the middle finger and ring finger.
3.   Let white polish dry, and then make small dots with blue polish on middle finger and with green on the ring finger.
4.   Once these dots dry up, with the help of black nail art paint make rough outlines on these dots and some small dots on the rest of nails, to give it a leopard like look.
5.   And to finish this mani, stick the diamond studs on the blue colored nails.
6.   Once all nails are dried properly, apply a top coat and voila!! The mani is done ^_^

Follow me on Instagram on the id @beingdipu.
You can also ask any queries if you have in the comment box below!! Or else on Instagram!!

** THANK YOU !! **


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