Review on - Liabilities of LIFE !!


Child trafficking, molestation, rapes, child labor, bonded labor and the list continues to be a long one for the thousands and lakhs of children all over the world and especially in India where the politicians are so busy filling their own pockets with heaps of money that they don’t really care for such less fortunate kids.

There are thousands of orphanages and NGOs in our country but the donation what they get from us normal people, more than half goes here and there instead of reaching to the main cause. I can say all this with confidence because I have personally worked for 2 major NGOs of India, marketing them and I left the job as soon as I came to know where the money really goes!!!

Coming to the point, of these not so fortunate kids who at a very tender age have to see so many things which they shouldn't !!

Some get targeted as beggars, some as bondage, some are sold in foreign countries and some are sold in the red light areas!!

Their childhood is doomed!!

And no one really cares for them, for some might feel bad and show sympathy but who has so much of guts to take a stand for them and against such evil deeds?

There are so many wicked people who do all such work for money and are really heartless!!

This story, Liabilities of Life is a wonderful story of a girl called Pratima who due to her family financial status happens to join an orphanage and when she happens to see the condition of the entire place, she’s left in utter shock!

She decides to change this hell like place into heaven and make the kids learn some good things!!

But then this was not just about unclean and untidy place and kids but it was into a deeper and serious level issue of child trafficking and bondage of these kids, and it was done by none else than the manager of the orphanage, himself!

The story is about how Pratima fights back to this evil system and how heroically she helps the victimized kids to get the freedom from the monstrous clutch of the wicked people.

It’s a very small book of just 96 pages but the book has a very strong social message and an inspiration for all of us.

Mostly all of us blame the country, the system, the politicians, NGOs for not working up to the mark, and how we choose to simply talk about it and then slowly forget. But how many of us, are really ready to face any coming consequences and difficulties for the betterment of our coming generation who have very little or sometimes no childhood at all??

I would strongly suggest all to read this book and at least for once just think of it as our personal liability to help if not a batch but at least 1 such victim kids, in our life!!
Spreading goodness will only give back goodness and that smile of the kid will give you the satisfaction that will remain for a whole lifetime!!

I would rate it 5 out of 5!!

Great work by Swati Nigam J

You can buy this book from here:-


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