Unrequited Love.
L ove comes in different forms... It’s a weird feeling... The feeling might be mutual or not, be accepted by the other person or not!! But the feeling is weird!! It is said that one sided love is one of the purest form of love! It doesn't expect the other person to accept us, or reciprocate to our feelings... But we still love them; wish the best for them, and always have a shoulder for them to lean their head on and ears to listen to whatever they say. Imagine. You are in love with someone; someone who you have always thought to be perfect (or looked perfect with all of his imperfections). A couple of years ago, when you opened your heart about your feelings for him, he walked away saying he is not looking for any commitment and he fears of ending the beautiful friendship bond you both share. You let go all the feelings because you want him in your life. He comes back and with no option left, you start hiding your feelings so he thinks you have moved ...