Silence is an Answer!

You know what is frustrating? Getting mixed vibes. Giving confusing signals. Keeping someone waiting!

You know what is the saddening? Someone saying 'I could not say bye to you', or 'I didn't want to leave you and go.' and yet, s/he leaves or makes one feel that they did.

You know what is the worst thing to do? Make someone believe you like them and that there's something special between you two and then, then just leave them on double blue tick marks or on a read message!

Life is simple. But you know what is more difficult to understand than a woman? It is, understanding a Man.

Yes, it is. Well, in most cases!

One day he is there with you, making you smile, fall for him, caring for you or pulling you closer in the blanket because it's cold and windy and then, a few days later he won't even revert to your messages, let alone be striking a conversation first.

As emotional as we girls are, we fall for their such rare chivalry. We like the way they keep their hands on our back while hugging and not let it roam up or down assuring that it won't be uncomfortable. We like the way they make us smile or the eyes twinkle. We like the way they make us eat when we don't feel like or ask for round two of dessert without saying a word on the calories it contains. We like the way they ask about our hobbies and share theirs. We like it when they ask if we are feeling any better after gulping medicines down the throat. We like it when they let us hug them and say yes to take out for shopping in an unknown city. We like it when they do small, cute stuff. Like extending their hand while on the bike and holding your hand when we are the in car, or having friendly arguments or singing crazy Bollywood songs!

Then, one day, he'll say that he didn't feel like leaving you and go, and when you start feeling he's the one, he ignores you. He won't reply to the numerous texts you send. You double, triple and even quadruple text him; he'd reply only when he wants to or simply ignore!

He will read the messages in the common group but will never reply to you or leave you on 'read' or worst case scenarios, on 'message delivered'.

You keep giving chances, reasoning that he would be busy at work or on long distance call with family or sleeping or hanging out with friends. But the truth is, there is no place in his life for you. All that happened in the strange land, was left there! Now both you and him are back in the real world, real life. He will forget you in a few weeks and will only remember when he talks about the fascinating land you both were in. No, he won't talk about you to his best friend or look at your picture and miss you. He will miss the land where you both were together, but not you.

If he missed you a few weeks or months later, he would have missed you now. He's not even thinking about you. If he did, he would picked up his cellphone and dialed in your number or sent you a text and replied to your message.

Yes, it was all beautiful and butterflies then, but its a dried flower now. It could have been good friends, or more, maybe something alluring. That only the time will tell.

Yes, you'll miss him when you listen to the songs he sang, being played on the radio, or when you see someone having a similar bike or when you hear someone having same name. Yes, cry out a river, but make sure once you do so, build a bridge and get over it!

Don't wait up up any longer. If he wanted to talk to you, he would have by now. If he can post things on Facebook and Instagram, he also could have texted you in between that, but he didn't, because he's not planning to. Even after he comes back home from going out with his friends, all you're gonna see is him liking or commenting on another girl's status while your text remains unanswered, but yet, you're still waiting. Why? Why wait for a guy who isn't coming?

Why wait for a guy who is not sure about you? Why wait for a guy who doesn't know what he wants? Why wait for a guy who emotionally shuts you out completely? Why wait for a guy who would rather entertain all of these irrelevant girls than to pay attention to the one girl who should matter? Why wait for a guy who didn't end up wanting you, and yet, you're the one who feels like you lost him?

Why are you doing this to yourself? He's out there living his life while you've been in bed waiting to hear from him, but instead, you're watching him be happy while you're miserable? If he can't see that you're the girl he should be putting his efforts into, then that's his loss and that's your gain because you don't need a guy like him. A guy like him isn't worth the wait.

So stop waiting, because you've been waiting for nothing and you've wasted enough time on him. Stop letting him break your heart and more importantly, stop breaking your own heart.

I don't know what the 'destiny' has to unveil in future, but it's best to let go today. For you deserve peace and someone who knows your worth. Till then, be happy that you have an Untamed soul, have a loving heart and make yourself stronger by each passing day.

Travel, explore, fall in love with yourself!


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