Call me, Maybe?

It doesn't always take 1 moment or 1 incident or 1 instance to break a relationship; it's a build up of many such moments or incidents or instances!

I say this because at first we ignore, then we choose to give that person a chance. This is followed by another chance. Then, we start making observations and taking notes, mentally, of such things.

Slowly, little by little a part of us starts pulling away from that person, a part of our heart dies.

And then, it's only a dead plant! You can't uproot it; something you cannot do because you are the nice person in the relationship with a golden heart. You don't water it either, because no matter how much water or care you put it, it is dead!

All relationships are like plants - you sow a seed. You water it. Then slowly it starts growing into a tender plant. You put in more efforts and care and love and it starts getting stronger! Over a period of years, the small fragile plant grows into a grown tree; it has small flowers or fruits.

Once it's a full grown tree, you stop putting as much efforts because now you know tree is good to stand on its own. You water it once a while or not at all.

You'll trim away the dead branches so new ones come.

Relationships are no different!

After a while, you tend to put in as much efforts because now that you know it's grown up properly it'd require less attention and care. Sure, there will be fights, difference of opinion, ego clashes, but then like you'd trim the dead branches of the tree, you talk to that person and tame the relationship. All this for what? Because you want it to live! To breathe. To stay healthy.

Ever wondered, what if the tree or in this instance, the relationship (the other person) does not want to be strong enough or want to breathe?? What if the other person wants the relationship to be over??

In any relationship, there is this 1 person who gives unconditionally and the other simply receives. S/he might give back a little, but not as much as that 1 person. The other person always takes it for granted, forgetting that the one they are taking for granted is a human being, too, and needs some love and attention and efforts from their end as well!

Over a period of time, like the plant, the relationship dies! It neither cannot be watered nor uprooted completely! It stays. Still. And slowly it decays. Turns into dust. Into memories.

How sad is this?


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